Intro Questions

1. My name is Tully McKenna and I am a sophomore in the Architecture program.

2. I am interested in graphic design, and my academic advisor said communication design was a good introduction into the field.

3. I have no prior experience with any computer coding.

4. In this class, I hope to learn the basic foundations of computer programming for visual design use.

5. One way that designing for a computer screen will differ from design for paper is the colors between the prints and that of computer screens.

6. I believe YouTube has done a good job organizing the home page: the subscriptions, search bar and user account are all within reach and visible.

7. Quora is easy to use as far as websites that are based upon people answering questions from other people. Each person’s post is easily distinguishable from the next person’s and the clean and simple face of the website helps avoid clutter despite all the words seen on screen.

8. Despite the large amount of information, google earth works very well. The interface of clicking and dragging makes navigating a 2D representation easy. Also, over the years, google earth has only gotten faster and less lag is apparent.